
Showing posts from October, 2006


Telling stories as a medium of teaching children with blindness in pre-school 1. Introduction Vision is the most important of the senses in term of development as it affects so much of how and what we learn. Children use their sight to develop and understand the permanence of object i.e. peoples and things continue to exist even if they can not be seen. They then use their vision to gain an awareness of space, of where their bodies are in space and of how they can use what they see. There is a strong interplay between vision and our ability to handle objects and to understand the world (Newman, 1999). Total or partial lack of vision inevitably creates difficulties in understanding the world. Besides that lack of vision can hamper cognitive development because it limits the integration of experiences and the understanding of those experiences that visual sense brings, naturally, to sighted children. This can be particularly true if these children do not receive early stimulation in the ...